A.. B.. C.. D.. E.. F.. G.. H.. I.. J.. K.. L.. M.. N.. O.. P.. Q.. R.. S.. T.. U.. V.. W.. X.. Y.. Z
Vagabone Acres New Orleans, Acirema
Valley of Sighs Valley formed by Hampstead Heights on west and Ghoulian Heights on east, Mandiba
Var River River from Spire Heights into Hans River, Eporue
Venecia Militia Venezia, Nekorb
Venice Castle Castle located on southern end of Sperrin Mountains, Dnaleri
Veracruz, Eporue Small village
Veracruz, Village Bruxelles Map Site
Verde's Tower Wizard tower located in New Market, Acirema
Vesadre River River running from Cairn Mountains to Eagle Cove, Eporue
Vetrone, Mulligan Proprietor, Giovanni's Inn and Tavern
Vicar Wastes Dnalgne, Map Site
Vicar's Vestubles Harrencourt, Acirfa
Vicarious Vitals and Accomodations Baile Atha, Dnaleri
Vicartown, Village Dnalgne, Map Site
Victor's Magaretta Haven New Orleans, Acirema
Victoria Gardner's Hotel St. Augustine, Acirema
Vie River Dnalgne, Map Site
Viernus River River that flows from the northern jungles of Acirfa into Tecumseh Bay, Acirema
Vilamema's Hideout Charleston, Acirema
Vilamena Proprietor, Vilamena's Hideout
Vilanova, Village Bruxelles Map Site
Vilganov, Gilgamesh Proprietor, The Dour Princess Inn
Villanova, Eporue Small village
Villian, Gabriel Proprietor's Wife, The Sir Villian Inn
Villian, Sir Proprietor, The Sir Villian Inn
Vinnie's Red Hats Genova, Nekorb
Viscoin River River running from South Hills to Burrows Hole Cove, Eporue
Visk, Quad City Alliance, Eporue Small village
Vittude, Sir Proprietor, The Sir Vittude Inn
Vixen's Rooms Turrbal, Acirfa
Vixen, Viola Proprietor, Vixen's Rooms
Vlad's Pad Turrbal, Acirfa
Vlad, Frank Proprietor, Vlad's Pad
Vlor, Vincent Queen's Magistrate for Grimsby, Dnalgne
Volga River River running from southern Black Hills into Bosom Bay, Eporue
von Pankin, Ichabad Genova, Nekorb
Voss Tiger pet of Anastatia Besheeba, Besheeba's Sandy Nook
Vouse River Dnalgne, Map Site
Vouse River Swamp Dnalgne, Map Site
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