A.. B.. C.. D.. E.. F.. G.. H.. I.. J.. K.. L.. M.. N.. O.. P.. Q.. R.. S.. T.. U.. V.. W.. X.. Y.. Z
Padre of Lahr Knight of the Dragon, Dnalgne
Pagi, Eporue Dwarven mining village administered by Quad City Alliance, Gaul Region
Palace of Frederick Administrative center of Frederick, Acirema
Paladin Knights (also Bophont Genits)
Parisi Barbarian tribe of Aissur
Pasadena Castle Castle on south end of Spire Region, Eporue
Pearl Harbor Castle Castle, west side of Straits of Vemouth, Eporue
Pendragon, Arthur Proprietor of the Holy Grail Inn, Bristol, Dnalgne
Perkins, Andy Proprietor, The Basket Case Inn
Phil, Phortly Proprietor, The Fat Pigglet Hotel
Phinx, Pholz Proprietor's Wife, East Side Hamlets
Phinx, Phylor Proprietor, East Side Hamlets
Picadilly, Village Bruxelles Map Site
Piccadilly, Eporue Small village
Pik, Napaj Small fishing village
Pious Princley Inn, The Sydney, Ailiartsua
Plaid Next Messenger service in Jamestown, Acirema
Plateau, The Genova, Nekorb
Pledge, Rank Paladin Knight rank in Dnalgne, not yet inducted into an order
Plymouth Castle Castle outside of Plymouth, Acirema
Pompeii, Quad City Alliance, Eporue Small village
Porcine, Pinkus Proprietor, The Whiskered Warthog Tavern and Hotel
Porkersville Castle Castle north of Grimsby, Dnalgne
Port Castle Castle on north end of Dnaglne
Port District Southern part of the city of Frederick, Acirema, surrounded by moat and protecti
Port Tower Reims
Portafeny, Dnaleri Small village
Post, Sir Proprietor, The Sir Post Inn
Pothis, Izak Proprietor, Dashing Prince Inn
Potsdame Castle Castle on island south of Weiss, Mandibar, Eporue
Pottingbush, Philbert Gardner/Wizard, Victoria Garden Hotel
Prince of the City Mayor of St. Augustine, Acirema
Pulman, Paul Concierge, Truemann Kapotent Inn
Puppet Ruler of Genova Genova, Nekorb
© COPYRIGHT Robert J Becraft, 1997. All rights Reserved.