Off the western coast of Eporue is a large island that sports the city of Marseilles and the center of a small kingdom known as Mandibar. Ruled by a tyrant, this kingdom suffers great indignities and fares only so well as dictated by its ruler.
It is a spirited and mystical island that has two great temples to the gods.
The northern church, known as the Church of Lost Dreams is located in the great Valley of Sighs. It is a structure wrought of magic and defies normal logic and structural integrity. For those who stand in the great hall, it is said to inspire dreams and visions worthy of the long distances and great dangers those who visit have endured.
The southern church, is known as the Church of Clouds. It is a dwarven construction that sits atop the highest peak of the Southern Heights a hilly region that stretches across the southern side of the kingdom. Both these great churches give the people of Mandibar much to hope for in spite of their dark government and the dreaded Dark Knights.
Mandibar's northern side is marked by a treacherous and dark swamp simply known as the Misty Swamp. Isolated, it is an area few have need of venturing into.
In addition to the capital city of Marseilles, Mandibar has a variety of smaller towns that dot the countryside. They are Weiss, East Point, Minx, Zuck, and Hampstead.
There are several castles that dot the landscape. Meistermann Castle, Simile Castle, Ghoul Castle, and Beast Castle.
(c) Robert J Becraft, 1997, 1998, 2000. All Rights Reserved. No portions of these web documents may be reproduced or copied without the expressed consent of the author.