Description:A prominent building in the center of town, this 4 story building with arched windows on its upper stories and arched merchant booths around its base, is a multi-dimensional experiment in mercantilism. Customers wishing to acquire a room for the night find their way into the central core of the building through well marked arches reserved for that purpose and find themselves in a patio restaurant that also caters to guests for the inn part. Upon checking in, they are directed to their rooms and may return to the restaurant for a complimentary drink of ale, wine, or beer. The colonnade of merchant shops is occupied by merchants, craftsmen and their ilk who offer a wide variety of services and goods to those who visit the great building. Proprietor:The owner/operator is Drenskeller and Company. It is a company owned facility and many merchants make travel plans to see this great marvel of ingenuity for possible exploitation by themselves. |
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© COPYRIGHT Robert J Becraft, 1996.
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