A.. B.. C.. D.. E.. F.. G.. H.. I.. J.. K.. L.. M.. N.. O.. P.. Q.. R.. S.. T.. U.. V.. W.. X.. Y.. Z
Waite Island Dnalgne, Map Site
Waite, Village Dnalgne, Map Site
Ward of De-bugs Exterminator company, owned by Ortin Welks, Georgetown, Acirema
Was, Napaj Small fishing village
Water Gate Tower in Sweitz harbor that checks incoming ships, Eporue
Water Gate Trier, Eporue
Watkins, Mabel Proprietor, Salty Sea Inn
Wattling Duck Parlor Jamestown, Acirema
Wax Statue Hotel Jamestown, Acirema
Wee folk Nick-name of gnomish population of Dnaleri
Wei, Kingdom of Eastern side of Acirema
Weise, Mandibar, Eporue Small village
Weiss River River running from western Cairn Mountains into Eastern Cold Sea, Eporue
Welks, Ortin Owner of Ward of De-bugs, exterminator, Georgetown, Acirema
West Gate Gate on west side of Sweitz, Eporue
West Side Bungaloes New Market, Acirema
Wet Water Inn Wurnnjerri, Acirfa
Which Brooms Broommaker, Montreal, Acirema
Whirly, Wingston Proprietor, Southside Huts
Whiskered Wart Hog Tavern and Hotel Grimsby, Dnalgne
White, Max Proprietor, Dancing Shoe Inn
Wick River Dnalgne, Map Site
Wick's Barrels Cooper of St. Augustine, Acirema (barrelmaker)
Wicker Castle Castle on south end of Wika Highlands, Dnalgne
Wicklow Mountains Central Hills in Dnaleri
Wika Highlands Dnalgne, Map Site
William, Knight, the Bailiff Bristol, Dnalgne
Wind, Running Proprietor, The Big Teepee Inn
Windemere Cove Inn Quebec, Acirema
Winslow's Wharf and Lodgings St. Mary's, Acirema
Winslow, Evan Proprietor, Victoria Garden Hotel
Winslow, Helen Wife of Evan, Victoria Garden Hotel
Winslow, Hubert Brother of Evan, Victoria Garden Hotel
Winslow, Judith Mother of Evan and Hubert, Victoria Garden Hotel
Winston's Tower Wizard Tower in Plymouth, Acirema
Wizard's Guild of Glasgow Glasglow, Dnalgne
Wolfe, Mary Proprietor, The Fuzzy Lamb Inn
Wolfsbane, Damien Proprietor, Damien's Den
Wollensmanheim, Cathedral, Ipswich Cathedral that is home of the order of Kegrin Brevoits
Wrecktion, Sir Proprietor, The Inn Sir Wrecktion
Wright Canvas Inn Savanna, Acirema
Wright, Orbber Proprietor, Wright Canvas Inn
Wright, Willville Proprietor, Wright Canvas Inn
Wurtenmanstoe Cathedral Bristol, Dnalgne
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