A.. B.. C.. D.. E.. F.. G.. H.. I.. J.. K.. L.. M.. N.. O.. P.. Q.. R.. S.. T.. U.. V.. W.. X.. Y.. Z
Sailor's Guild of Brugge
Salt Lick Castle Second castle on southern trade route along Great Desert, Acirema
Salty Sea Inn Plymouth, Acirema
Salty Towers Castle Castle on east end of Cetza Island, Acirema
Sam, Toucan, Esq. Proprietor, Timbuktu
San Francisco Castle Castle located on the west side of Eagle Cove, Eporue
Sand River River that flows west through Plymouth, Acirema
Sans River River from Hallowed Ridge Mountains into Sans-Holo River, Napaj
Sans-Holo River River formed from Sans and Holo Rivers in Napaj
Sataere, Temple of Bruxelles
Sayalamiah Mountains Mountains located north of Acirema bordering Elvin lands in Acirfa
Scardino's Bilkers Genova, Nekorb
Sedalia Castle Castle located on eastern end of Cairn Mountains, Eporue
Seneca One of League of Five Nations, located in and around Plymouth, Acirema
Sentinel Docks Bruxelles
Seth's Financiers Genova, Nekorb
Shandyrot Castle Queen's Palace, Bristol, Dnalgne
Shipwrights Guild Hall The guild hall, in the Port District, Frederick, Acirema
Shmi, Napaj Small fishing village
Shuh, Napaj Small mining village
Silent Soldier Mount Hill in Sweitz, Eporue
Silk Coat Inn, The Charleston, Acirema
Silures Barbarian tribe of Aissur
Silver Perl Inn, The Miami, Acirema
Singing Sword Sword of Arthur Pendragon, Proprietor
Sir Amick Inn, The Bristol, Dnalgne
Sir Chenreaskew Inn Quebec, Acirema
Sir Lee Inn, The Illandria, Acirfa
Sir Monn Inn, The Waubinaire, Acirfa
Sir Port Inn, The Whadjuk, Acirfa
Sir Tafooble Inn St. Augustine, Acirema
Sir Villain Inn, The Corcaigh, Dnaleri
Sir Vittude Inn, The Llylande, Acirfa
Skatoy, Eporue Small village
Skatoy, Village Bruxelles Map Site
Sloss River River running from western Cairn Mountains into Chuz Bay, Eporue
Smootz River River running from western Cairn Mountains into Chuz Bay, Eporue
Smorganboard, J.T. Proprietor, The Eatery
Sol, Quad City Alliance, Eporue Small village
South Gate Trier, Eporue
South Hills Hills south of Skatoy, Eporue
South Side Huts Taznia, Acirfa
Southern Heights Hills south of Marseilles, Mandibar, Eporue
Southern Highlands Dnalgne, Map Site
Southport Docks Bruxelles
Sperrin Mountains Hills in south-central Dnaleri
Spike Pseudo-dragon of Edward Flair, Flair's Nook
Spire Heights Hills along eastern side of Spire Region, Quad Alliance, Eporue
Spire Region Eastern region of Quad City Alliance
Sprawl of Genova Genova, Nekorb
Spree River River that runs south through Barcelona, Eporue
Squalitz River River running from eastern Cairn Mountains to Straits of Garum, Eporue
St. Augustine Castle Castle on south end of Gibatarer Island, Acirema
St. John's, Abbey of initiates wear blue robes, a rope belt and 6" silver cross
St. Mary's Watchtower Famous landmark outside the city of St. Mary's, Acirema
Steelsword, Oscar Proprietor, The Golden Goose
Stonecutter's Guild and Training School School and Guild for Stonecutters, St. Augustine, Acirema
Straits of Ajlati Northern entry into the Bay of Rome, Eporue
Straits of Garum Body of water separating Eporue and Napaj
Straits of Gibatarer Body of water between Gibatarer and Acirfa
Straits of Indian Body of water between Gibatarer and Acirema
Straits of Vermouth Water south of Ansaig Sound, north of Centaurian Sea, Eporue
Straits of Vulcan Body of water on north end of Acirema
Suir River River that flows from Antrim Mountains south into Kilkee, Dnaleri
Suno, Napaj Small fishing village
© COPYRIGHT Robert J Becraft, 1997. All rights Reserved.