A.. B.. C.. D.. E.. F.. G.. H.. I.. J.. K.. L.. M.. N.. O.. P.. Q.. R.. S.. T.. U.. V.. W.. X.. Y.. Z
Ra, Village Richmond, Acirema
Radnage, Quad City Alliance, Eporue Small village, located at the eastern end of Boris's Barbarian wall
Rats Cove Cove near Roquevaire, Eporue
Raven's Roost, Quad City Alliance, Eporue Small village
Recuiver, Quad City Alliance, Eporue Small village
Red Springs Castle Castle located on eastern side of Red Springs village, Dnalgne
Red Springs, Village Dnalgne, Map Site
Regal Penguin, The Glasgow, Dnalgne
Reilly Castle Castle on north end of Dnaglne
Reticent James of Red Springs Knight of the Dragon, Dnalgne
Rhine Region Western region of Quad City Alliance
Rhine River River running from southern Black Hills into Bay of Rome, Eporue
Rice, Vincent Proprietor, Wax Statue Inn
Richmond City Docks City docs of Richmond, Acirema, located on the river Elin
Richmond Imperial Docks Imperial docks of Richmond, Acirema
Richtor Bouncer, The Dancing Dragon
Rietenhauer, Magnus Proprietor, Centaurian Inn
River Tower Entry tower for the port of Trier, Eporue
Rochester Point Castle Castle located southeast of Bristol, birthplace of the queen, Dnalgne
Rochester, Village Dnalgne, Map Site
Roquevaire, Eporue Small village
Roquevaire, Village Bruxelles Map Site
Rose Cities Venezia and Roma, Nekorb
Rowdy Walter Arthur the Dragon Dragon Guard of the queen of Dnalgne, silver dragon
Royal Demense Genova, Nekorb
Royal Flying Academy Bristol, Dnalgne
Royal Hippogriff Flying School
Rugface Nickname, Talon Nixon, The Silk Coat Inn
© COPYRIGHT Robert J Becraft, 1997. All rights Reserved.