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The city of Trier is a major trading center for the northern provinces governed by the warlord upstart of Barcellona. It has a population of 16,500 inhabitants.
Entering the city from the east, one first passes the statue of Boris Caesar Napoleon, a 40 foot monstrosity, caste from a copper-bronze alloy and discolored by the elements into a brown green color.
Continuing along, the Black Gate is reached. A squat stone archway, once part of an inner wall to the city that was either destroyed by war or knocked down to expand the city, no one knows for sure, but the gate is all that is left of this wall. It is sooty dark and appears to have withstood the test of fire. Its three portals are open onto the forum of government buildings that dominate the center of town, known as Forum Trier. These buildings are offset by well built roadways and gardens.
Off to the northeast along a boulevard with trees down its center is Theobald's Tower. A forty story structure, it sits locked by magic and dominates the city skyline. On particularly dark and stormy nights, the top of the tower erupts into flames that can be seen for miles out to sea, guiding ships into the port for safety. No access has been found to the tower and some residents say it is haunted by the ghost of a ancient elf wizard.
The wharf district of Trier is situated along the banks of the Lesom River. It is a tight, constricted district with more than its share of fouled ships and tangled traffic. Large ships tend to avoid the congestion of Trier and instead frequent the other more open ports of Eporue.
Entry from the sea is past the tower called simply, River Tower. It is a short squat tower that in times past was manned by wizard initiates armed with staffs or wands of fireball. Today, it is manned by the harbor master and his staff of winged assistants who fly out to all ships intending to enter the port and collect the port taxes as they pass. Both incoming as well as outgoing ships are taxed.
The harbor master is named Gif Haunestauffer, an old sailor, now retired who is employed by the city government.
Trier as a trading center is mediocre at best. Its confined wharf district is a constant mad-house of ships coming and going, unable to maneuver quickly in and out, Trier suffers from not being visited by the larger trading vessels in the world.
Its main exports are pottery, wood, metals, and art.
Its main imports are magic, grains, and cloth.
Trier is one of the quad of cities that sport major populations of humans in the north. Being situated close to the mountains of Eporue, the city also sports a hefty dwarven population who aid in the trade of the city.
The Fuzzy Lamb Inn
The Lusty Wench
Novelties Shope
Trier is one of the quad cities, ruled by a renegade heir to the throne, Boris Caesar Napolean. The only reason his hold on the northern part of Eporue is accepted is the lack of any forces organized like his legions that can be fielded to stop him.
The city government is a sub-command of Boris's army. All military individuals assisted by clerics and wizards of dubious capabilities, they rule the city with an almost iron fist. Nothing comes into or goes out of the city without being accounted for and taxed appropriately. Short of regulating everything, the taxes are enough of an injustice to the people, who given a reason would slip from the quad's rule in an instant. Instead they tolerate their position in the quad.
The other cities of the quad are Barcellona, Vigo and Schweiz.
The temple to Apollo is the largest temple in the city.
Next to the temple to Apollo in size are the temples to Isis and Dea Nutrix located in other parts of the city.
Lei Kung
© Robert J Becraft, 1996. All Rights Reserved. No portions of these web documents may be reproduced or copied without the expressed consent of the author.