Bruxelles: The Dancing Dragon, Inn and Drinking Parlor

Situated in the wharf district is The Dancing Dragon, Inn and Drinking Parlor. This longhouse sports a unique style of room and tavern. The high center is reserved for the buildings length for the tavern and can be found full almost every night of the week. A stage to the left of the entrance always has musicians or actors of some sort plying their craft.

The rooms for rent are arranged down both sides of the great hall and number 12. They are each approximately 15 feet by 15 feet. The main hall is 90 feet long and 40 feet wide. It has a high peaked roof constructed with a center-line of support posts and a ridgepole which supports a set of diagonally placed roof trusses. The ridgepole raises the center of the hall 30 feet above the floor giving the hall a high ceiling and an airy atmosphere.

The proprietor is Millicent Magnolia, a red-haired, mellow maid with a temper meaner than a she-wolf protecting cubs. Fortunately for most of the customers they never see that particular side of her temperament. History says that Milly inherited the inn after her husband was killed in the last Dwarven War. Milly runs a clean house and employs Richtor as a bouncer.

Richtor is probably the smartest hill giant in the world. He graduated from Notre Dame 20 years ago and writes articles for the local newspaper. When he's not writing, he's keeping order amongst the wharf rats and other locals who call the Dancing Dragon their hangout. Richtor walks with a slight limp and wears a style of suit favored in Venicia where they call it a Tuxedo. He also has several gold chains looped around his neck as well.

(c) Robert J Becraft, 1995. No portions of these web documents may be reproduced or copied without the expressed consent of the author.