The Hoppingdale Inn


This inn is unique in that it caters to those people short of stature. Many taller races will find this place small and cramped, while the shorter races will find it comfy and cozy.

It is obvious from the outside that it is of halfling construction, with round windows and round doorways. Inside, this origin is even more apparent, with amenities commensurate of a halfling home.


The Hopingdale Inn is owned and managed by a family of halflings. "Halfling owned/Halfling Managed" is their motto. The Gruins, Ivan, Imir, Bilbo, Bing and Benson, run a smooth ship. Other family members aid in the day to day operation. Ivan is the cook and has extensive talent in this area.

Inn Rating:

© COPYRIGHT Robert J Becraft, 1996. No portions of these web documents, art or text, may be reproduced or copied without the expressed consent of the author.