Harvest Holidays Keemar Koolhodian - celebration of the grain harvest in Eporue. The celebration lasts 30 days from the middle of August through the middle of September. Modest celebrations occur almost nightly with a 3 day festival occurring at the end of the Holiday. Hillahoduen - celebration of the grain harvest in Nekorb. The celebration lasts one week after the end of harvesting. Once all the grain is collected, the harvest begins. The actual start day fluctuates from year to year and depends on the size of the harvest. The later it runs, the bigger the celebration. Ad-Mulligan - celebration of the grain harvest in Dnalgne. One of the more subdued of the harvest celebrations, the Ad-Mulligan lasts for a week and begins the first day of November. The final night of celebration goes by the name of Ad-Caullin. G-B-Haullin - celebration of the grain harvest in Acirema. Acirema's harvest celebrations are the most colorful in the world. They occur over a 5 week period beginning in mid-September and lasting until the beginning of November. Typical events include the Gwazno Heave-ho, Mintzin, and Yarlbarlin. Urhszk - celebration of the grain harvest in Acirfa. The Urhszk celebrations in Acirfa occur three times a year and correspond with the harvesting of crops at each interval. They last 4 days and start at the end of each harvest. Pensk - celebration of the grain harvest in the plains of Aissur and Peking. Pensk occurs on a small scale throughout the plains of Aissur. Because of the nomadic nature of most of the population, harvests can be both a celebration and a time of stress. Grain caches throughout the region are watched by scouts from any of the tribes in the general vicinity of a crop field. As the grain ripens, the tribes gather nearby ready to harvest. When a good cache is approached by different tribes, the tribal leaders must meet to discuss division of the crop and first rights. Kol-Pensk is celebrated by the first harvesters and is usually more robust than that of the group who must follow. Kol-Pensk is typically celebrated in and around Peking since there is little competition for free-growing grain and the harvest is more typical of the other regions of Metaphaze. Ownership of cropland is assigned by the Emperor by royal decree.
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