METAPHAZE, World of Magic

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The City of Vigo, Eporue

City of Vigo

The city of Vigo is a major trading center for the northern provinces governed by the warlord upstart of Barcellona.

The population of Vigo is 7,200 inhabitants.

The Wharf District

The wharf district of Vigo is along a man-made canal that is wide enough to permit the passage of ships into and out of the city. Access to the wharf canal is by passing under the ramparts of the canal fortress where taxes and tolls are collected.

Vigo: Economy

Vigo as a trading center is mediocre at best. Its reputation as one of the cities in the quad alliance of the upstart Boris Caesar Napoleon, gives it limited access to the world trade. Items brought into the city are taxed upon entry, merchants doing business cannot be expected to cover the costs, so prices are raised.

Vigo is a major manufacturer of fine sailing vessels. The main area of construction being north of the city. Great forests of nurtured trees are administered by the druidic inhabitants of the area. Through their care quality ships can be produced from excellent materials and these ships are sought throughout the world of Metaphaze.

Its main exports are ships and glass.

Its main imports are lumber, stone, weapons and magic.

Vigo: The Races

Vigo is one of the quad of cities that sport major populations of humans in the north. Being situated close to the mountains of Eporue, the city also sports a hefty dwarven population who aid in the trade of the city.

Vigo: Traveler's Inns

Memory Lane Inn
Monk's Bunks

Miscellaneous Businesses

City Market
Animal Trainer


Vigo is governed by military representatives of the renegade heir to the throne, Boris Caesar Napolean. The only reason his hold on the northern part of Eporue is accepted is the lack of any forces organized like his legions that can be fielded to stop him.

The city government is a sub-command of Boris's army. All military individuals assisted by clerics and wizards of dubious capabilities, they rule the city with an almost iron fist. Nothing comes into or goes out of the city without being accounted for and taxed appropriately.

The other cities of the quad are Barcellona, Trier and Schweiz.

Major Temples in Vigo


© Robert J Becraft, 1996, 1998. All Rights Reserved. No portions of these web documents may be reproduced or copied without the expressed consent of the author.