Fortress of the Silent Sandel, Napaj

Fortress of the Silent Sandel is one of the Adjin castles located in Napaj.  It is located on the northern end of the Kyoto Mountains.  The fortress is a spacious enclave that has existed for over a thousand years, the architecture reflects its ancient origins.  It is managed by a wise caretaker Nima' Hojun  who has held his position for the last 30 years.  It is said he is as good a spell spinner as he is with his curved scimitar named Ralph.  Oftentimes, Nima' and Ralph can be heard arguing loudly in the fortress garden where Nima' spends most of his freetime away from his administrative duties.

The fortress is located near the dwarven city of Kyoto and is tasked with the protection of visitors to and from the city. This is no minial task over the city that is used by the emporer as his primary capital.  Oftentimes, the emporer himself may be found in residence in the Silent Sandel, contemplating the new crop of recruits being trained, or engaged in a spirited debate with Nima'.  Both are old friends of many years.

Fortress Silent Sandel's Training Academy

The fortress also is a school for training elite soldiers of the emporer's guard.   Esteemed for its highly trained dwarven ajnin, ninjas far superior to the other ajnin schools throughout the land, the Silent Sandel is a school sought by many agile and dexterious dwarves.  Its entry requirements are rigid and only the best of the best are admited for the full training regiment.  Upon graduation from this school, many graduates are chosen for the emperor's guard.  Not all are selected or worthy and the positions that are recruited for are oftentimes highly competed for.   Elite warriors appointed to the emporer's guard wear a deep blue woolen robe with a cowled hood.

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