

This great inn, is the site of the annual Synod of Algiers, a gathering of monks loyal to the god Tyr. It is a large inn, sporting 60 rooms, all small, and cloister-like. The inn is composed of a large center hall, flanked by two wings with 30 rooms in each wing. The wings are both two storied. Stairs lead up to the upper floor of the wings on either side of the main hall.

A large statue of what appears to be Tyr adorns the lobby. It is not known if this is because of the monk's use during the synod or other reasons.


The owner/operator is Ulgar Hinderson, a very monk-ish looking fellow, with a large bald spot on the very top of his head. His hair is brown, and he sports a neatly trimmed beard.

He wears dark robes, like a monk would wear, but not an exact match. It is apparent to anyone who watches him for any length of time that his robes also sport large pockets, his hands finding their way in and out after various objects.

Inn Rating:

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