The eastern edge of Acirema is home to the Kingdom of Wei and the Kingdom
of Naitpyge. They also are destinations along the two major trade routes between west
and east Acirema that circumvent the Great Desert.
The Kingdom of Naitpyge borders on the Etor Sea, a large bay of water that is a major source of fish-life that supports the villages and city of Richmond. Another border of the kingdom is the Thebian Sea. This body of water acts as a major travel route that is used almost as extensively as the land route from Frederick.
The northern border of Naitpyge is the Sayalamih Mountains that are a major source of mined materials and a large dwarven population in the region.
The kingdom of Wei is a sparsley populated wide ranging kingdom that spans the area between Miami and New Market. It is important for the agricultural areas that have developed in the area between the Great Desert and the southern tip of the Acirema Continent. Goods from this region go both north and south.
© COPYRIGHT Robert J Becraft, 1997, 1998. All Rights Reserved. No portions of these web documents may be reproduced or copied without the expressed consent of the author.